Do you know about using auto insurance for a medical claim?

January in Washington State is rainy (and sometimes snowy) making the roads extremely slick and visibility at times very low. Did you know that whether it was your fault or not, your own auto insurance can cover you in an accident? There is a medical portion of auto insurance called Personal Injury Protection (or PIP for short) that will allow you to get chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, or other care relating to the auto accident injury. The goal of this insurance is to provide care that gets you back to your pre-injury status. Other auto claims benefits may be partial payment for days off of work due to injury or even a housecleaner if you are unable to do the normal day to day tasks such as cleaning or laundry.

Here is a quick checklist of action items if you or someone you know has recently been in an auto accident:

  • Obtain the other vehicle driver's information such as auto insurance, license plate #, phone and address.
  • Take photos of the accident before moving your vehicle safely to the side (if possible and safe to do so).
  • Call your own auto insurance agent to report the accident and open up a medical claim for care. Remember that symptoms can take a few days to appear after the initial shock and adrenaline pumping through your system wear off.
  • Contact your healthcare provider of choice that accepts PIP insurance claims (Schoeb Chiropractic, PLLC does). Once establishing a care plan make sure to stick with the recommendations for optimal results. The healthcare provider you start treatment with will be able to refer out for PT, massage, acupuncture, etc.


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Ryan Schoeb, DCComment